"What Eve did in the Garden of Eden was not to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, but to swing on the
universal discount curve from delayed rewards, bending it permanently from a shape that had always generated
simple preferences to a shape that generates persistent motivational conflicts."  --Picoeconomics, p. 85


Articles related to PICOECONOMICS


This page is under development.


It will include links to work in intertemporal conflict that forms part of picoeconomics by Bénabou, Bickel, Elster, Gjelsvik, Green, Hanson, Heyman, Kirby, Laibson, Luo, Madden, Mazur, McClennen, Monterosso, O'Donoghue, Prelec, Rabin, Rachlin, Redish, Ross, Thaler, Tirole, and others.

